
Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Vomit in a public place

My little baby boy vomited in a cafe today.

Not just a bit of baby milk spew but a whole lot of tummy bug vomit. This is groce, I know.  You don't probably want to be reading about vomit but the cafe owner had an interesting reaction...

To set the scene - it happened with completely no warning.  He was not really off his food or lethargic or particularly quiet - he seemed fine.  When it happened it went everywhere - all over him, all over me, all over the table, all over the chairs and on the floor - yuck - sorry again for the graphic detail.  I promise it will be cleaner from now on!

After it happened, the cafe owner came out with a disgusted, cross look on her face (like I can help it). I apologised profusely - I would never take my any of my children out of the quarantine of my house if they had a tummy bug.  I asked her for some paper towel.  The first thing she said " You will have to clean it up, we're not allowed to touch it".  I would NEVER expect someone else to clean up my child's vomit and was 100% prepared to clean it up.  In fact, I would not let anyone else clean it up for fear of spreading germs.  I didn't expect her to clean it up but what I did expect was 1. Some sympathy for my poor little baby boy who was sitting in his pram looking grey and 2. For her to be as helpful as possible to help me clean it up.

So there I was, with my baby wipes and a plastic nappy bag trying desparately to wipe it up.  There was no offer of gloves, mop, bucket of soapy water, plastic rubbish bag - nothing.

Finally after I asked she bought out some paper towel and a packet of antibacterial wipes.  Whilst I was on my hands and knees, she squirted disinfectant onto the floor in front of me.  I was mortified and beyond apologetic and whilst I was on my hands and knees for 20 mins covered in vomit and wanting more than anything to get my sick little man home - she and all the other staff went about their business.

I am completely appalled at the way we were treated and will never go back to that cafe again.

Am I expecting too much? I think she should have helped me more.

Have you had this happen to you in a public place?  What did people do/not do for you?

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