
Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Gee, he looks like Mr Jones

If I had a dollar for every time I heard this when Master 3 was born I would be a gizzillionaire!  I just nod and smile now saying, "Yes, I know but he has my sparkling personality".

To be honest, I was actually shocked at how little Master 3 looked like me when he was born.  He had really dark hair and a round little face with big, wonderfully squeezy cheeks.  This is pretty much opposite to me!  I actually hadn't given it a second thought that any child of my husband and I would at the very least look a little like bit of both of us.

I'm not saying its a bad thing to look like Mr Jones, far from it, Master 3 is completely gorgeous but I'm telling you, Mr Jones' DNA completely annihilated mine.  The only thing Master 3 has of mine is his eyeball colour (he has his Dad's thick eyelashes - as a side, why do so many boys have lusciously thick eyelashes - it truly is a waste!) and the thickness of his hair.  In every other respect he is a clone of his Dad!

When I was pregnant with Master 1, I really hoped that my DNA would finally stand up for itself.  It did - he looks a little more like me. Everyone sees something different with Master 1 - those who knew me as a baby think he looks like me and those that knew Mr Jones as a baby think he looks like him.  But I am claiming it!  Its funny though, the two boys still look very much like brothers.

At the end of the day, it doesn't matter at all does it?  I love that Master 3 is so like his Daddy, watching the two of them together with their cheeky grins and quirky mannerisms.

But I also love the feeling when people look at Master 1 and say "Gee, he looks like you"! FINALLY! Hahaha!

Who do your children look like?  Are they dead ringers for you? A mix? or like me, have you lucked out?! 

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