
Tuesday, September 4, 2012

I have a dorky collection - a confession

I collect pins.  And I love it! 

I only started this collection about ten years ago.  Each place I travel to domestically or internationally, I buy a pin.  I wouldn't say I have hundreds of pins or anything but I definately have over 50 or so.

FYI, there are two different levels of pin collectors - pin collectors and pin traders.  The different being that pin collectors will buy one or two pins for their own collection and pin traders often buy lots of pins from the same place to trade with other traders on their travels.  These are the "must knows" of the pin collecting world (haha! now I sound really nerdy).

Now I don't go so far as to wear them around or anything but I have a french beret at home that is covered in all my pins.  It is one of those possessions that if the house was burning down, it would be one of the things I would want to take (obviously not the no. 1 priority but it would be in the top 10!).

I don't even know how I got started and I probably wouldn't be able to tell you my first pin but I love looking through them at all the places I've been to and each one usually holds a special memory for me from that place.

I also love choosing them.  Every souvenir shop has pins.  They are like keyrings, teatowels or fridge magnets.  I almost feel disappointed when there is only one to choose!

So there you have it!  Do you have a nerdy or quirky collection? Please share, I want to know I'm not the only one!

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