
Wednesday, September 5, 2012

To Move Overseas or Not - that is the question

This is the text I received from Mr Jones "What do you think about moving to Washington DC for 3-4 months?" my response "Hell Yeah!"

After much discussion and "pinning down" of the right people, it is all really happening.  I can't believe it.  I am really proud of Mr Jones - he has worked really hard and this is a credit to him that we this amazing opportunity.  

I honestly never thought we would be able to live and work overseas again (We lived in London for two years BC - before children!).  I am super excited but quite apprehensive aswell.

Our boys are at a really good age to travel for lots of reasons - Master 3 is only in three year old kinder and Master 1 is at home with me.  We don't need to pull them out of schools of which they have been on waiting lists for years for or interrupt their friendship groups or pull them out of all their activities that are so finely scheduled within our week.  

I am a strong believer that kids get so much out of travelling, experiencing new places and embracing different cultures that I think I would take this opportunity no matter what.

On the other hand, they might get more out of the experience if they were a bit older.  Master 1 will have pretty much no recollection but I think Master 3 will have some recollection. 

They are harder work at this age to travel with especially Master 1 - there is no amount of reasoning or explaining that can help this age group "Honey, please don't squeal anymore - it hurts mummy's ears" - is met with a blank expression and more squealing (although I am sure he knows that it irritates me).

In my mind the pros far out way the cons and so we are off - look out United States - the Jones' are on their way!

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