
Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Is my family complete?

I have two beautiful boys, I love having boys - I always thought I would have all boys.  I also think that I would like to have three children....sometimes.  It really depends on the day.  Some days I am like "Yeah, I could do another one - its all good" other days I think "There is no way in hell, I could do this again".  Do you ever have days like that??

People ask me "So, are you going to try for a girl?".  I am about 80% convinced that I would like three children but it honestly had never entered my head that I would have three to "try for a girl".  For me, it is more about having another child - no matter what the gender.

Its funny that when you have two children of the same gender people assume that you would like the opposite gender if you decide to have another one.  If you already have one of each gender people naturally assume your family is complete?  Why is it that to have a complete family you need to have the pigeon pair? Or is it just people asking questions to make conversation??

I won't deny it, I would love a little girl but I would also be just as happy with another little boy.  It truly wouldn't matter in the least.  I don't actually think Mr Jones is actually capable of producing a little girl - I don't think he has any "X" chromosomes - only "Y" hahahaha!  The main thing for me is the "magic" number of children, rather than gender.

The decision to go from one child to two was easy - I wanted at least two.  I count myself as incredibly lucky and blessed to have my boys.  The decision to go from two to three is much harder.  I often ask myself - am I content with my two healthy, gorgeous boys? Is my sanity going to be completely taken if I have a third? But there are also questions of logistics.  Will the grandparents be happy to take all three kids if Mr Jones and I want to have a night out? Financially, will we be able to give three children all that we would like to? Will I be able to manage going back to work if I choose to?

I think we will be able to manage the logisitics.  My sanity...well that is debatable.  I know it will be hard work when they are little but I love the thought of the three children grown up and having a wonderfully busy house with lots going on.

There are three children in my family and in my husbands family and I wonder if that also has an influence on the decision.  I am very close to my brother and sister and I cherish the relationship we have and would like this for my own children.

I don't really enjoy the newborn phase -  I find the first 12 weeks a complete fog of hormones, feelings, feeding and exhaustion.  I did enjoy it a little more the second time but still, this is such a short part of their little life.  I shouldn't let it dictate whether or not I have another child should I?

Mr Jones...well he is happy either way.  I think if I said that was it and we were finished he would be happy.  But he also likes the thought of three children.  He seems to be leaving the decision in my court but I think he worries about whether I will be handle it.  Geez, I worry whether I could handle it too.  There is no way to know is there?

How did you make the decision on how many children to have?  Was it gender related? Was the decision out of your hands? Was it related to how many children there were in your own family?  Perhaps you are also struggling with this decision!  Would love to hear your thoughts.

Is it true that you "just know" when you are finished???

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