I am on a mission.
A mission to lose 5kg.
And I have a plan... you always need a plan.
Since I had Master 1, I have struggled to lose the last pesky 5kg's to get me back to my pre-baby weight. Master 1 is now 18 months old so no more excuses. I have officially put my big girl pants on and am getting on with it.
This is my 5 step plan to successfully complete the 5kg mission:
Step 1 - Decide my goal weight and have a plan (TICK)
This is it. I have my goal weight and this blog post is my plan. Rather than just saying "I want to lose weight", I believe its better to make your goal specific, even if its just small steps at the start or 2-3 kilos at a time. This makes it achievable and realistic.
Step 2 - Keep a food and exercise diary
According to MyFoodDiary - a study published in the American Journal of Preventative Medicine found that people who keep a food journal lose twice the weight of those who rely on dieting and exercising alone.
I have kept a food journal before and it really works. For me, it keeps me accountable. Last time I just jotted everything down in a notebook. This time, I am using myfitnesspal.
This fantastic website has a comprehensive database of food and exercise and with the click of a button, I can add the exact food I have eaten and it will record the calories, carbs, fat and protein of that food. It then tracks your progress against your weight loss goal. Its really easy and I can manage my calories throughout each day to eat healthy and still have that Friday night glass of wine! NOTE: I have not been endorsed by myfitnesspal to write this, I just like sharing!
Step 3 - Eat regularly
I am generally pretty good at eating three solid, healthy meals a day. It's really the snacks and incidentals that are letting me down. Most days I won't have afternoon tea and then I will eat waaaayyy too much cheese and crackers before dinner because I am starving and it is the most stressful and hectic part of the day (kids - witching hour). So instead, I am going to eat a healthy morning tea and afternoon tea and no pigging out before dinner.
Step 4 - Drink more water
My new years resolution was actually to "Drink more water". And you know how that went right? The same way as almost all New Year's Resolutions - forgotten about by mid February! More water does make me feel better. When I have a glass, I forget that I am hungry (which often means I was actually thirsty). I know my skin is clearer and I feel less bloated. I just need to make myself remember to drink more!
"Water does have a role to play in weight loss. It is often said that the majority of the population does not drink enough water. For those who maybe carrying excess water weight, an increase in water intake will help flush out the excess water from their bodies. Also, often we confuse thirst with hunger and thus end up eating more food when we probably just needed some water, so with a proper intake of water we can manage hunger better. An extra tip, drink a glass or two of water before you start your meals. This will make you feel fuller and help you eat lesser at the table, thus contributing to fat loss indirectly". According to healthmeup.com
Step 5 - Continue with my regular exercise (including strength training)
I know that my problem is not in my exercise - it is in my food. Exercise is a habit I forged long ago. Its just part of what I do - my sanity time. Without it I get cranky! I currently do a combination of walking, aerobics classes, pilates and strength training and am a generally active person.
In my opinion, strength training is one of the most effective weight management tools women can use. To put it simply, muscle burns more calories upon rest than fat. So, the more muscle mass you have in your body, the more calories you will burn. I'm all up for burning more calories. So forget hours and hours on the treadmill for weight loss - get on the weights! (Just so you don't think I am just making all this up(!), my credentials are: I have worked in the health and fitness industry for five years, owned and operated a women's health club for three years and am a Certificate III qualified fitness professional).
So that's my plan.
Now that I have put the plan in the public space, I am even more accountable. Eeeekk!
Wish me luck!