
Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Our first Halloween experience

Today we did something we have never done before - we went to a Halloween party.

We loved it!

Master 4 chose his costume - Spiderman.  "I want to be a Superhero, mum".  From the moment it came out of the packaging he wanted to wear everything (including the mask).  So incredibly cute!  Master 1 was Thomas the Tank Engine - not as keen as big brother but he wore the costume for long enough for photos.  The kids really got into it and had their photo taken on pumpkins and we all sat on picnic blankets whilst the kids trick or treated each blanket.

Being from Australia, we don't really celebrate Halloween.  In fact, my general feeling on this event was that it was an over-commercialised contribution to our already epidemic childhood obesity problem.  Intense, I know.

I think it is growing in popularity in Australia.  Last year we had two groups of trick or treaters.  Although, some of the kids weren't even dressed up - further enhancing my view on the over-commercialisation blah blah.  I still gave them a treat - didn't want to rain on the halloween parade.

Since being in the USA, I have completely changed my mind.

It is a complete celebration of the season and everything "fits" together.  It is The Fall (Autumn), so all the leaves are turning, pumpkins of all shapes and sizes are everywhere, all the stores are decorated in orange, black, purple, white and green and full of Halloween decorations and cards and houses are draped in faux spiderwebs, bats, witches hats and jack-o-laterns.  

It is less about the "candy" and more about a wonderful tradition of the coming together of families and the community to celebrate the spookiness and the make believe.

So bring on Halloween and all that comes with it.  I love that it opens my kids minds to different traditions and cultures and draws on their wonderful little imaginations.  

I'm sure they won't mind the candy either... a good chance for the lesson of moderation!

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