
Wednesday, January 2, 2013

The 5kg mission: Week 5 & 6

It's been six weeks of The 5kg mission.  

Follow the mission here:
The 5kg mission: The 5 step plan
The 5kg mission: Weeks 1 & 2
The 5kg mission: Weeks 3 & 4

Week 5, I lost 1.3kg

Week 6, I lost 300g


I've really got into a rhythm this last two weeks and am feeling pretty happy with the results.  I know the equation - Calories in less than calories out.  It's working and I am sticking to it.

I have dropped a size and I bought a new pair of pants to celebrate.  Felt good about buying pants for the first time in a couple of years.


The results are directly correlated to the kind of week I have food wise.  There doesn't seem to be much give and take.  Calorie blowout = butt blowout.

For example:

Week 5 was really low key.  I ate at home every day and my exercise was great.  I saw the results.

Week 6 my parents arrived from Australia and it was Christmas.  I ate out more, had more nibbles, more alcohol, dessert and bigger portions.  The results were less.

I am finding the balance of achieving my goal and just living and enjoying my food really conflicting.

Poor Mr Jones.  I know he is finding my constant "Do you know how many calories are in that?", just before he enjoys his mouthful of blueberry muffin, really annoying.

I don't blame him.

That is annoying.

Note to self: try not to annoy husband with stupid calorie references.

Anyway, gotta focus on the positives right?

Boy, this process is a roller coaster ride!

Image courtesy of

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