
Monday, January 14, 2013

The "Where do babies come from?" conversation

Just after I had Master 1, Master 4 was sitting on my knee just chatting and completely out of the blue he says "How did Master 1 get into your tummy?"

Oh S**t.

I wasn't prepared.

He caught me off guard.

"Ummm, well, ummm...he just grew there"

"But how did he get IN there" he says

A million things run through my head.  It needs to be age appropriate, don't traumatise him, don't say something lame like the stork bought him or we found him in the cabbage patch or ask your Daddy.  Ok, deep breath, THINK OF SOMETHING GOOD TO SAY

"Wellllll....he grew from a little egg" 


I am waiting for his short attention span to take over and for him to start talking in detail about what shape his poo was this morning or something... please....anything. I'm not ready for this yet.

I can see his little brain ticking over and he is looking at me expectantly.  I contemplate distracting him but I know he won't let it go so here it goes...

"Mummy has lots of little eggs inside her and he grew from one of those eggs into a baby"

Please let that be enough

He is thinking thinking thinking

"Can I eat those eggs?"

No my son, you cannot.


He was quite happy with this response and for quite a while proceeded to ask every female he met whether she had "eggs inside her" followed by "but you can't eat them, you know"

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