
Sunday, December 2, 2012

The 5kg mission: Weeks 1 & 2

It has been two weeks of the 5kg mission.

I have been sticking to my plan - The 5kg mission: The 5 step plan

Week 1, I lost 1.5 kg - YAY!

Week 2, I put on 1.5 kg - BOO!

Right now, I feel very pissed off frustrated.

I have been meticulously recording every morsel of food consumed and exercise completed.  I have kept within my daily calorie allowance for losing a healthy 500g per week.  I have increased my water intake and I have been adhering to my regular weekly exercise.

Week 1 was great.  After weigh in day, I was excited and proud that my will power and determination was working and my hard work was paying off.

What happened in Week 2, I hear you ask?  Well, I don't want to make excuses but there was Thanksgiving (aka food induced coma) and our 10 year wedding anniversary meaning there was a calorie blowout.  Weigh in day was also two days before my period was due (sorry for the detail but I blow up like a puffer fish with water retention around that time, so I think its relevant!).

So, I guess, that is what happened.

There is one thing that I am finding the hardest - no/limited cheese.

Cheese is the thorn in my side.  I LOVE IT!  Especially around that 5-7pm time.  All I want is cheese.  I could eat slabs and slabs of it.  I could give or take chocolate, biscuits, ice-cream or anything else sweet but cheese gets me every time.

The 5kg cheese monster has knocked me down but I am picking myself up again and getting back on track.  Still, weight gain is a blow to the motivation.  Having said all this, its not just about the scales.  My pants are feeling looser and that is always a good sign, right? Hang on, these are actually my stretchy, bloated, period pants.

Oh well, I am determined that next weigh in day will be different...
Image courtesy of

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