
Wednesday, April 24, 2013

The elusive "balance". Does it really exist?

I am constantly striving to achieve the BALANCE

Balance in motherhood

Balance for myself

Balance for the kids

Balance for the dog (not really, I don't have a dog, but if I did I would be trying to find balance for it too)

But what does it really mean? 

And realistically, can it be achieved?

The more I chase it, the more it doesn't really look like a goal that needs to be conquered but rather an elusive idea that swims teasingly out in front of me saying "Nah nah na nah na, you can't catch me".

Finding balance and being a perfectionist is almost counter-intuitive.  I want to be the best I can, at everything:

A great mum
A loving and supportive wife
A high performing employee
A strong and confident woman
A fit and healthy person
An attentive and caring daughter, sister and friend

Is the only way to achieve all these things by doing everything at 80%?

Feels like it.

I have recently gone back to the paid workforce after three years as a stay at home mum.    

The balance is even more challenging but in a different way.  Before it was finding the intellectual balance that I craved. Now, it is a matter of whether I can actually fit everything that needs to be done into a 24 hour day.  

Don't get me wrong, I am a doing person. I like to be busy.  I am no good if I am idle. I feel a sense of achievement from getting things done, being efficient and productive.

However, a question I seem to be asking myself more and more in the effort to achieve this, so called, balance is "What's more important?"

What's more important? - Cleaning the house on a non-work day or letting it go and playing cars and doing puzzles instead?

What's more important? - Staying an extra hour with a good friend and having eggs on toast for dinner or going home early to cook a substantial, nutritionally sound meal.

What's more important? - Sleeping in or squeezing a workout in before work?

I can tell you, that in 99% of cases it is the latter that wins out.

Surprisingly, I'm cool with it.

Even though I want to do everything at 100%, that won't achieve balance either.

So, what's more important? 

Living a life measured in percentages 


Living a life measured by a deep understanding of what really matters

It's the latter that always wins out.

Happy Balance Searching!

Image courtesy of

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